
If we were to start from scratch, what would a good school look like?

That's an interesting and thought-provoking question, isn't it?

What would your ideal school look and feel like? 

The Free Church Education Committee recently had an inspiring presentation from the founder of a school in the West Midlands called the King Solomon International Business School. You can read more about the school's founder, Dr Cheron Byfield, HERE

BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour have been grappling with, imagining and discussing what their ideal school would be like. You can listen to their deliberations and ideas HERE

Whether we are in a position to start a new school or not, we can all take an active role in our local school network... for example,

Why not get involved and be part of making education better and more fruitful for all of our children? 

Grow in your faith and learn with art....

The Free Churches Group have recently been supported by the Westhill Endowment to carry out a project for RE resources about Reforming Christianity.

Westhill also have an amazing and inspiring range of art and crafts exhibits which your church or community group can hire, free of charge, to display. These resources are beautiful, wide ranging and thought-provoking. The CreateTalk Touring Faith Exhibition Scheme aims to encourage conversations, enable reflections and inspire action by visitors from the local community to your exhibition.

You can find our further information and arrange your exhibition by checking out Westhill's website HERE

I have seen many of the art works first hand and can testify that they are inspiring and have helped me to learn and grow in my Christian journey.

A friend and colleague from the URC, Elizabeth Gray-King, has a range of paintings you can hire from Westhill. You can read more about Elizabeth's work HERE. The painting on this link is by Elizabeth and is entitled Hear

Sara Iles, Education Asst, FCG 

A new fairer deal...

A House of Lords Select Committee is calling for a fairer deal for students, for their studies, after they leave school...

We often hear the expression that things are not a level playing field. Many young people moving on from school into further and higher education, particularly those in vocational or work placed studies, or from lower income families, experience an unfair system. You can read all about this in the pamphlet HERE.

The House of Lords Select Committee have also made a really informative short film about these issues. You can watch the 3 minute film HERE. It raises some crucial issues about equality, justice and fairness... 

The Free Churches Group Further Education and Higher Education Working Groups are committed to speaking up for and tackling things which affect fair access and prevent all students engaging in studies, which enable them to fulfil their God-given potential and live 'life in all its fullness'. 

Get in touch and tell us what you think about the issues the Lords Select Committee raises: FCG Education Asst - Sara Iles at

Please join us as we pray for the work of the Lords Select Committee as they work towards raising these issues and speaking up for fairness in our post 16 education funding... 

Further info HERE 

Have you got 40 Seconds for Prayer?

Join with us as as we pray for those in further education....

Festive have a mission - to inspire and support Christians in Further Education Colleges and Sixth Forms to live for Jesus and to equip them as they share their faith through their words and actions. Here is an extract from Festive's latest '40 second prayer' bulletin:

"We believe prayer has more impact than anything else in our work and mission and we so appreciate you partnering with us in this way.

  • Exams are over and Y13 students have left, but Y12 students have to continue for a further three weeks or so. Pray for CUs who have lost their Y13 leaders. Pray that Y12s who are taking on leadership will be inspired and purposeful as they enter their new roles.
  • Festive is exhibiting at Soul Survivor during July and August.  Pray for great contacts and connections and that we would have lots of students sign up for support and prayer."

They encourage all of us to join with them in prayer - you can register for their 40Sec Prayers updates HERE.  Join in... join us... 


Mental health support for students...

Many of us will be acutely aware of the increase in mental health issues for our children and young people. A recent article, from the BBC, highlights the need for increased mental health support for students at University. You can read the piece HERE.

What can you do at your church? How can you pastor people in need? 

Are there young people in your area who are moving away to study at university? How are your church putting in place ways to continue to support them?

Are you aware of a network of counselling and support services who can help those who need it? 

We encourage prayer in our congregations to ask for God's grace, mercy and guidance for all of those in need and to support our young people at this key time of transition... Amen. 

The Student Christian Movement have published a free pack you can use to support students moving to your area, outlining how to welcome them to your church ... you can download it HERE